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recentchanges-url (Pogovor)Special:RecentChanges
recentchangesall (Pogovor)vse
recentchangescount (Pogovor)Privzeto število prikazanih urejanj:
recentchangesdays (Pogovor)Število dni prikazanih v zadnjih spremembah:
recentchangesdays-max (Pogovor)Največ $1 {{PLURAL:$1|dan|dneva|dnevi|dni}}
recentchangeslinked (Pogovor)Sorodne spremembe
recentchangeslinked-feed (Pogovor)Sorodne spremembe
recentchangeslinked-noresult (Pogovor)Na povezanih straneh v določenem obdobju ni bilo nobenih sprememb.
recentchangeslinked-page (Pogovor)Ime strani:
recentchangeslinked-summary (Pogovor)To je seznam nedavnih sprememb strani povezanih na določeno stran (ali iz določene kategorije). Strani iz [[Special:Watchlist|vašega spiska nadzorov]] so '''odebeljene'''.
recentchangeslinked-title (Pogovor)Spremembe, povezane z "$1"
recentchangeslinked-to (Pogovor)Prikaži spremembe na določeno stran povezanih strani
recentchangeslinked-toolbox (Pogovor)Sorodne spremembe
recentchangestext (Pogovor)Na tej strani lahko spremljajte najnedavnejše spremembe wikija.
recreate (Pogovor)Ponovno ustvari
recreate-moveddeleted-warn (Pogovor)'''Opozorilo: Pišete stran, ki je bila nekoč že izbrisana.''' Premislite preden nadaljujete s pisanjem, morda bo stran zaradi istih razlogov ponovno odstranjena. Spodaj je prikazan dnevnik brisanja in prestavljanja:
redirectedfrom (Pogovor)(Preusmerjeno z $1)
redirectpagesub (Pogovor)Preusmeritvena stran
redirectstofile (Pogovor)Na to datoteko {{PLURAL:$1|preusmerja naslednja datoteka|preusmerjata naslednji datoteki|preusmerjajo naslednje $1 datoteke|preusmerja naslednjih $1 datotek|preusmerja naslednjih $1 datotek}}:
remembermypassword (Pogovor)Zapomni si me (samodejna prijava)
removedwatch (Pogovor)Odstranjeno s spiska nadzorov
removedwatchtext (Pogovor)Stran »[[:$1]]« je bila odstranjena z vašega [[Special:Watchlist|spiska nadzorov]].
request-account-econf (Pogovor)Your e-mail address has been confirmed and will be listed as such in your account request.
requestaccount (Pogovor)Request account
requestaccount-acc-text (Pogovor)Your e-mail address will be sent a confirmation message once this request is submitted. Please respond by clicking on the confirmation link provided by the e-mail. Also, your password will be e-mailed to you when your account is created.
requestaccount-agree (Pogovor)You must certify that your real name is correct and that you agree to our Terms of Service.
requestaccount-areas (Pogovor) 
requestaccount-areas-text (Pogovor)Select the topic areas below in which you have formal expertise or would like to do the most work in.
requestaccount-attach (Pogovor)Resume or CV (optional):
requestaccount-bio (Pogovor)Personal biography:
requestaccount-bio-text (Pogovor)Your biography will be set as the default content for your userpage. Try to include any credentials. Make sure you are comfortable publishing such information. Your name can be changed via [[Special:Preferences|your preferences]].
requestaccount-dup (Pogovor)'''Note: You already are logged in with a registered account.'''
requestaccount-email (Pogovor)E-mail address:
requestaccount-email-body (Pogovor)Someone, probably you from IP address $1, has requested an account "$2" with this e-mail address on {{SITENAME}}. To confirm that this account really does belong to you on {{SITENAME}}, open this link in your browser: $3 If the account is created, only you will be e-mailed the password. If this is *not* you, don't follow the link. This confirmation code will expire at $4.
requestaccount-email-body-admin (Pogovor)"$1" has requested an account and is waiting for confirmation. The e-mail address has been confirmed. You can confirm the request here "$2".
requestaccount-email-subj (Pogovor){{SITENAME}} e-mail address confirmation
requestaccount-email-subj-admin (Pogovor){{SITENAME}} account request
requestaccount-emaildup (Pogovor)Another pending account request uses the same e-mail address.
requestaccount-ext-text (Pogovor)The following information is kept private and will only be used for this request. You may want to list contacts such a phone number to aid in identify confirmation.
requestaccount-exts (Pogovor)Attachment file type is disallowed.
requestaccount-info (Pogovor)(?)
requestaccount-inuse (Pogovor)Username is already in use in a pending account request.
requestaccount-leg-areas (Pogovor)Main areas of interest
requestaccount-leg-other (Pogovor)Other information
requestaccount-leg-person (Pogovor)Personal information
requestaccount-leg-tos (Pogovor)Terms of Service
requestaccount-leg-user (Pogovor)User account
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