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confirmaccount-bio-q (Pogovor)Biography
confirmaccount-canthold (Pogovor)This request is already either on hold or deleted.
confirmaccount-confirm (Pogovor)Use the options below to accept, deny, or hold this request:
confirmaccount-create (Pogovor)Accept (create account)
confirmaccount-deny (Pogovor)Reject (delist)
confirmaccount-econf (Pogovor)(confirmed)
confirmaccount-email (Pogovor)E-mail:
confirmaccount-email-body (Pogovor)Your request for an account has been approved on {{SITENAME}}. Account name: $1 Password: $2 For security reasons you will need to change your password on first login. To login, please go to {{fullurl:Special:UserLogin}}.
confirmaccount-email-body2 (Pogovor)Your request for an account has been approved on {{SITENAME}}. Account name: $1 Password: $2 $3 For security reasons you will need to change your password on first login. To login, please go to {{fullurl:Special:UserLogin}}.
confirmaccount-email-body3 (Pogovor)Sorry, your request for an account "$1" has been rejected on {{SITENAME}}. There are several ways this can happen. You may not have filled out the form correctly, did not provide adequate length in your responses, or otherwise failed to meet some policy criteria. There may be contact lists on site that you can use if you want to know more about user account policy.
confirmaccount-email-body4 (Pogovor)Sorry, your request for an account "$1" has been rejected on {{SITENAME}}. $2 There may be contact lists on site that you can use if you want to know more about user account policy.
confirmaccount-email-body5 (Pogovor)Before your request for an account "$1" can be accepted on {{SITENAME}} you must first provide some additional information. $2 There may be contact lists on site that you can use if you want to know more about user account policy.
confirmaccount-email-q (Pogovor)E-mail
confirmaccount-email-subj (Pogovor){{SITENAME}} account request
confirmaccount-held (Pogovor)(marked "on hold" by [[User:$1|$1]] on $2)
confirmaccount-hold (Pogovor)Hold
confirmaccount-ip (Pogovor)IP address:
confirmaccount-leg-areas (Pogovor)Main areas of interest
confirmaccount-leg-other (Pogovor)Other information
confirmaccount-leg-person (Pogovor)Personal information
confirmaccount-leg-user (Pogovor)User account
confirmaccount-legend (Pogovor)Confirm/reject this account
confirmaccount-list (Pogovor)Below is a list of account requests awaiting approval. Once a request is either approved or rejected it will removed from this list.
confirmaccount-list2 (Pogovor)Below is a list recently rejected account requests which may automatically be deleted once several days old. They can still be approved into accounts, though you may want to first consult the rejecting administrator before doing so.
confirmaccount-list3 (Pogovor)Below is a list expired account requests which may automatically be deleted once several days old. They can still be approved into accounts.
confirmaccount-maintext (Pogovor)'''This page is used to confirm pending account requests at ''{{SITENAME}}'''''. Each account request queue consists of three subqueues. One for open request, one for those that have been put on hold by other administrators pending further information, and another for recently rejected requests. When responding to a request, carefully review it and, if needed, confirm the information contain therein. Your actions will be privately logged. You are also expected to review any activity that takes place here aside from what you do yourself.
confirmaccount-name (Pogovor)Username
confirmaccount-needreason (Pogovor)You must provide a reason in the comment box below.
confirmaccount-newrequests (Pogovor)'''$1''' open e-mail-confirmed [[Special:ConfirmAccounts|account {{PLURAL:$1|request|requests}}]] pending
confirmaccount-none-e (Pogovor)There are currently no expired account requests in this list.
confirmaccount-none-h (Pogovor)There are currently no held pending account requests in this list.
confirmaccount-none-o (Pogovor)There are currently no open pending account requests in this list.
confirmaccount-none-p (Pogovor)(not provided)
confirmaccount-none-r (Pogovor)There are currently no recently rejected account requests in this list.
confirmaccount-noreason (Pogovor)(none)
confirmaccount-notes (Pogovor)Additional notes:
confirmaccount-pos-0 (Pogovor)author
confirmaccount-pos-1 (Pogovor)editor
confirmaccount-q-held (Pogovor)held requests
confirmaccount-q-open (Pogovor)open requests
confirmaccount-q-rej (Pogovor)recently rejected requests
confirmaccount-q-stale (Pogovor)expired requests
confirmaccount-rational (Pogovor)Rationale given to applicant:
confirmaccount-real (Pogovor)Name:
confirmaccount-real-q (Pogovor)Name
confirmaccount-reason (Pogovor)Comment (will be included in e-mail):
confirmaccount-rej (Pogovor)Account request rejected successfully.
confirmaccount-reject (Pogovor)(rejected by [[User:$1|$1]] on $2)
confirmaccount-reqtype (Pogovor)Position:
confirmaccount-review (Pogovor)Review
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