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requestaccount-email (Pogovor)E-mail address:
requestaccount-email-body (Pogovor)Someone, probably you from IP address $1, has requested an account "$2" with this e-mail address on {{SITENAME}}. To confirm that this account really does belong to you on {{SITENAME}}, open this link in your browser: $3 If the account is created, only you will be e-mailed the password. If this is *not* you, don't follow the link. This confirmation code will expire at $4.
requestaccount-email-body-admin (Pogovor)"$1" has requested an account and is waiting for confirmation. The e-mail address has been confirmed. You can confirm the request here "$2".
requestaccount-email-subj (Pogovor){{SITENAME}} e-mail address confirmation
requestaccount-email-subj-admin (Pogovor){{SITENAME}} account request
requestaccount-emaildup (Pogovor)Another pending account request uses the same e-mail address.
requestaccount-ext-text (Pogovor)The following information is kept private and will only be used for this request. You may want to list contacts such a phone number to aid in identify confirmation.
requestaccount-exts (Pogovor)Attachment file type is disallowed.
requestaccount-info (Pogovor)(?)
requestaccount-inuse (Pogovor)Username is already in use in a pending account request.
requestaccount-leg-areas (Pogovor)Main areas of interest
requestaccount-leg-other (Pogovor)Other information
requestaccount-leg-person (Pogovor)Personal information
requestaccount-leg-tos (Pogovor)Terms of Service
requestaccount-leg-user (Pogovor)User account
requestaccount-level-0 (Pogovor)author
requestaccount-level-1 (Pogovor)editor
requestaccount-loginnotice (Pogovor)To obtain a user account, you must '''[[Special:RequestAccount|request one]]'''.
requestaccount-notes (Pogovor)Additional notes:
requestaccount-page (Pogovor){{ns:project}}:Terms of Service
requestaccount-real (Pogovor)Real name:
requestaccount-reqtype (Pogovor)Position:
requestaccount-resub (Pogovor)Your CV/resume file must be re-selected for security reasons. Leave the field blank if you no longer want to include one.
requestaccount-same (Pogovor)(same as real name)
requestaccount-sent (Pogovor)Your account request has successfully been sent and is now pending review. A confirmation email has been sent to your e-mail address.
requestaccount-submit (Pogovor)Request account
requestaccount-text (Pogovor)'''Complete and submit the following form to request a user account'''. Make sure that you first read the [[{{MediaWiki:Requestaccount-page}}|Terms of Service]] before requesting an account. Once the account is approved, you will be e-mailed a notification message and the account will be usable at [[Special:UserLogin|login]].
requestaccount-tooshort (Pogovor)Your biography must be at least $1 {{PLURAL:$1|word|words}} long.
requestaccount-tos (Pogovor)I have read and agree to abide by the [[{{MediaWiki:Requestaccount-page}}|Terms of Service]] of {{SITENAME}}. The name I have specified under "Real name" is in fact my own real name.
requestaccount-urls (Pogovor)List of websites, if any (separate with newlines):
resetpass (Pogovor)Spremeni geslo
resetpass-no-info (Pogovor)Za neposreden dostop do te strani morate biti prijavljeni.
resetpass-submit-cancel (Pogovor)Prekliči
resetpass-submit-loggedin (Pogovor)Spremenite geslo
resetpass-temp-password (Pogovor)Začasno geslo:
resetpass-wrong-oldpass (Pogovor)Neveljavno začano ali trenutno geslo. Morda ste že uspešno spremenili geslo ali pa ste zahtevali novo začasno geslo.
resetpass_announce (Pogovor)Trenutno ste prijavljeni z začasno e-poštno kodo. Za zaključitev prijave, morate tukaj nastaviti novo geslo:
resetpass_forbidden (Pogovor)Gesla ne morete spremeniti
resetpass_header (Pogovor)Spremeni geslo
resetpass_submit (Pogovor)Nastavi geslo in se prijavi
resetpass_success (Pogovor)Vaše geslo je bilo uspešno spremenjeno! Prijava poteka ...
resetpass_text (Pogovor)<!-- Namesto te vrstice vstavite besedilo -->
resetprefs (Pogovor)Počisti neshranjene spremembe
restoreprefs (Pogovor)Obnovi vse privzete nastavitve
restriction-create (Pogovor)Ustvari
restriction-edit (Pogovor)Urejanje
restriction-level (Pogovor)Stopnja zaščite:
restriction-level-all (Pogovor)katera koli raven
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